Performance as part of 'Energy Landscapes' at DFG-Centre for Advanced Studies 'Imaginaria of Force', The Warburg International Seminar and Universität Hamburg
Material: Black and white photo of a landscape as a leporello in several A4 stripes, folder, neon pink mason's line, bucket, text fragments, water from the river Eider, water from the moor, oak with roots, reeds from the moor, grapes (from Italy), model of a wind turbine (battery operated), map of Schleswig-Holstein depicting suitable areas for wind parks, stool, stones, mud from the river Eider, extension cable, Luxo lamp
Duration: 40 min
What do we see without actually noticing it? What impact does what happens in one place have on another? The lecture performance un/wind examines landscape developments in northern Germany and Norway. It revolves around how energy production, in particular wind energy and their associated infrastructural ripple effects shape and impact their surroundings. un/wind is about connections and entanglements, the conveying of interwoven circumstances, and the questioning of differences and boundaries. The lecture performance opens up the possibilities of an associative narration that also allows for offset time levels, ambivalence and opposing voices.